Unique materials from VBN Components stand out at VDI Wissensforum
VBN Components is the first company in a very long time that can manufacture components
VBN Components is the first company in a very long time that can manufacture components
VBN Components är det första företaget på mycket länge som kan tillverka komponenter i kraftigt
– och förresten, det är 3D-printat Tack vare ett omfattande utvecklingsarbete med support från Energimyndigheten
Did we say it’s 3D-printed? Thanks to comprehensive development work supported by the Swedish Energy
VBN Components is featured in the news magazine Verkstäderna nr 3-4, 7 April 2017 (article
VBN Components has delivered essential protection details to a large international company. These details are
VBN Components has been invited to present our technology for Additive Manufacture of High Strength
The European Institute for Innovation and Technology’s Raw Materials (EIT Raw Materials) has funded a
Swerea KIMAB and Triple Steelix arranges a seminar about Additive Manufacturing (3D-printing) Thursday 9th of
VBN were presented at the EPMA booth at Formnext in Frankfurt 2016-11-15 to 2016-11-18. In
Contact us
VBN Components AB
Verkstadsgatan 8
SE-753 23 Uppsala
VAT: SE 556791573001
Reg. nr: 556791-5730