VBN Components Investering / Investment
INVESTERING I VBN COMPONENTS VBN Components har genomfört en nyemission och erhållit en stor investering
INVESTERING I VBN COMPONENTS VBN Components har genomfört en nyemission och erhållit en stor investering
The Swedish Innovation Agency Vinnova has selected to support a cooperation project in the Swedish
Vinnova har valt att delfinansiera ett samarbetsprojekt inom Svensk metallindustri där 3D-printade formverktyg i materialet
At the end of May, Joel Kanebjörk, Patrik Lundgren and Oscar Windahl defended their master thesis
VBN Components AB has been part of the Uppsala Innovation Centre (UIC) innovation programs (previously
Our CEO, Ulrik Beste has been qualified to the final as an “Entrepreneur of the
The CEO of VBN Components AB, Ulrik Beste, has been chosen to participate as one
VBN Components AB were invited to join in the Additive Manufacturing interview panel on the
VBN Components AB has the 7th of February been awarded the 2014 Bona Postulata prize.
Contact us
VBN Components AB
Verkstadsgatan 8
SE-753 23 Uppsala
VAT: SE 556791573001
Reg. nr: 556791-5730