Funding of project together with Volvo Powertrain and Primateria
VBN Components has received funding from Vinnova for a large development project of gear tools
VBN Components has received funding from Vinnova for a large development project of gear tools
VBN Components has recieved funding from Vinnova for a research project with the purpose to
Leading Swedish tech news paper has an article about our gear HOB(Link:
Grundarna av VBN Components är 2013 års vinnare av Sveriges största uppfinnarpris, SKAPA Utvecklingsstipendium Juryns
The founders of VBN Components AB have been awarded the SKAPA Development Award The founders
The bi-monthly magazine “Uppfinnaren och Konstruktören” (freely translated to “The Inventor and the Designer”) has
The CEO of VBN Components AB, Dr. Ulrik Beste held a presentation at the Uppsala
The founders of VBN Components (Peter Vikner, Ulrik Beste and Martin Nilsson) received the SKAPA
PRESS RELEASE VBN Components AB 2013-08-19 Världens första additivt tillverkade kugghjulsfräs presterar toppresultat i tuffaste
PRESS RELEASE VBN Components AB 2013-08-19 The world’s first additive manufactured gear cutting hob show
Contact us
VBN Components AB
Verkstadsgatan 8
SE-753 23 Uppsala
VAT: SE 556791573001
Reg. nr: 556791-5730