The founders of VBN Components received the SKAPA foundation award Inventors of the year in Uppsala

The founders of VBN Components (Peter Vikner, Ulrik Beste and Martin Nilsson) received the SKAPA foundation award “Inventors of the year in Uppsala län” at the UIC day 21th of August 2013 at Stadsteatern. Read the press release here (in Swedish).

Peter Vikner, Ulrik Beste and Martin Nilsson are with this price also nominated for Sweden’s largest invention prize, the SKAPA prize. See more about the SKAPA foundation ( (in Swedish).

In Swedish the award reads: “Årets Innovatör i Uppsala län, som också innebär att vara Uppsala läns kandidat till årets SKAPA Utvecklingsstipendium, är Ulrik Beste, Peter Vikner och Martin Nilsson, VBN Components.”

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