2017 is coming to an end… For us at VBN Components it has been a very exciting year and we would like to share with you our latest news to sum it up before the holidays.
World’s Hardest Steel
Our new material has made a lot of noise! On November 27th we launched Vibenite® 290, “World’s hardest steel”. It has unique properties that will increase performance and durability in tools and components with its hardness of 72 HRC! The response has been great, both from media, readers and customers. New enquiries about the material are constantly coming in. Comments from clients have been very positive. Following are a couple of the most appreciative statements:
”Congratulations on your new material with hardness 72 HRC. I know what it means to increase the hardness a few steps; it can improve performance 5-6 times! Many people have no idea what you’ve invented. Best of luck!”
“First class engineering work. Very impressive!”
Below you will find links to articles published so far in Sweden, Finland, Great Britain and the United States. Stay tuned, there is more to come… You can also watch our latest film describing the benefits of our technology:
Watch our video on World’s hardest steel (possible to choose English or German subtitles)
Se vår film om Världens hårdaste stål
Tekniikka Talous: http://www.tekniikkatalous.fi/tekniikka/metalli/maailman-kovin-teras-on-3d-tulostettua-kaytossa-ero-on-valtava-6689530
Svensk Verkstad: http://www.svenskverkstad.se/vbn-components-2
Metal AM: http://www.metal-am.com/vbn-components-launches-vibenite-290-worlds-hardest-steel/
Metaller och Gruvor: http://www.metallerochgruvor.se/20171127/4889/kan-detta-vara-varldens-hardaste-stal
3dprint.com: https://3dprint.com/195479/vbn-components-hardest-steel/
3dp.se: http://3dp.se/2017/11/28/vbn-lanserar-varldens-hardaste-stal/
Enköpings-Posten: http://eposten.se/nyheter/enkoping/stalmannen-som-gor-varldens-hardaste-stal-unt4839195.aspx
Uppsala Nya Tidning: http://www.unt.se/start/varldens-hardaste-stal-utvecklat-i-uppsala-4843420.aspx
EPMA: http://mailchi.mp/561439f5ca63/epma-email-news-12-december-2017-edition-1587761?e=6434fad276
Visit from Deputy Govenor Henry Ohlsson
On December 6th we had the privilege to receive Henry Ohlsson, Deputy Govenor of Sweden’s Central Bank (Sveriges Riksbank) in our office. A personal interest in VBN’s technology was the reason of his visit. We greatly appreciated this opportunity to discuss our business with one of the most prominent characters of Swedish enterprise.
VBN Components invited to Advanced Automotive Plastics Forum in Berlin, Germany
Ulrik Beste from VBN Components is invited to present the Vibenite® materials at Advanced Automotive Plastics Forum – Redefining the Future, in Berlin, 24th -25th January 2018. The subject of the presentation is “Extreme wear resistant Near-Net-Shape Materials for Plastic Processing Tooling”.
The conference is arranged by the BIS Group, Business Intelligence Services company, which describes itself as “an exclusive platform supporting ambitious, progressive and forward-thinking companies and empowering them with the best market practices for today’s fast changing markets”.
Presentation at Connect Green Day
The Swedish investment network Connect organizes the recurrent event Connect Green Day to promote Swedish green tech companies. On December 6th VBN presented its technology and environmental benefits to an audience of investors, companies and public organisations.
Thesis project at Uppsala University, the Ångström Laboratory
VBN has initiated a thesis project in the Tribomaterials Group at the Ångström Laboratory to measure wear resistance in Vibenite® materials and compare them with traditional material grades. “We are very pleased to cooperate with young professionals at Uppsala University and believe that it’s important to have a strong connection between business and academia”, says Ulrik Beste, CTO of VBN Components.
Last but not least…
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!