The founders of VBN Components AB have been awarded the SKAPA Development Award

The founders of VBN Components AB have been awarded the SKAPA Development Award, which is the< most well-known invention prize in Sweden. The award was presented by the famous inventor Håkan Lans the 3rd of October 2013, in Stockholm Concert Hall.
The motivation
“-By additive manufacturing, a paradigm shift has been implemented for component manufacturing. The technique to build components directly from metal powders results in minimal number of processing steps, low material waste and great opportunities to shape complex tools.”
The SKAPA Development Award was instituted in memory of the inventor Alfred Nobel. The purpose of the award is to provide assistance to inventors so they can transform their products / services to commercial opportunities. (Please also visit (in Swedish))
The press release at SKAPA Foundation: (in Swedish) here.
The SKAPA Foundation (in Swedish) here.
Please visit ALMI Företagspartner (in Swedish) here.
VBN Components AB is currently running in the Business Accelerator Program at the Uppsala Innovation Centre (UIC). Please read the press release (in Swedish/English) here.
This press release can be found as PDF (in English) here.
For further information, please contact:
Ulrik Beste, PhD
CEO, VBN Components AB
070-235 86 26