Dear friends,
This most unusual year is coming to an end. At VBN Components we have been fortunate enough to carry on with our operations as normally as can be expected. As you will read, we have been active lately through different online happenings and we have even expanded our business in Japan!
Webinar in collaboration with GE Additive

Perhaps some of you joined this popular event on November 4th that gathered hundreds of viewers? After the webinar, 80% of the attendees stated that the presentation was “extremely or very helpful”, which is actually the highest rating ever for a webinar in this GE Additive series. We thank GE Additive for hosting such a well-organised event, giving us the possibility to connect with potential clients in need of carbide-rich alloys. For those of you who would like to see what all the fuzz was about, you can still watch it on demand!
EPMA Additive Manufacturing Seminar

On December 3rd, our CTO Dr. Ulrik Beste gave a webinar in collaboration with The European Powder Metallurgy Association, as part of their two-day seminar on additive manufacturing. The subject was “Multi materials: Additive Manufacturing for Hard Materials”. Many attendees were interested in learning more about how Vibenite® could improve existing applications by increasing wear resistance or adding useful functions through new shapes.
Webinar with Add Life

As you may have noted, VBN hosted a webinar in collaboration with AddLife on November 18th. AddLife is a VINNOVA Competence Centre that gathers partners in academia, industry and the public sector to support development in Additive Manufacturing for the Life Sciences. VBN Components contributes to AddLife with superior knowledge in Additive Manufacturing, metal powders and materials. Since some of the Vibenite® alloys can be used in life science equipment, VBN also interacts with the companies in internal projects.
Partnership with HTL Co. Japan Ltd.

The most exciting news since our last newsletter, is probably our newly established partnership with HTL Co. Japan Ltd., as announced in a press release on December 1st, published by METAL AM (p. 45), among others. HTL has a vast experience in business development, sales, and marketing on high-tech markets such as the semiconductor, additive manufacturing, and space industries. Further, HTL has long-term business relations with universities, governmental agencies, and institutes. We are most hopeful that our combined experience provides great conditions to expand further on the Japanese market.
Read all about it!

VBN Components continuously delivers news that are highlighted in various magazines. Right now you can read about us in the latest issue of Nordic Steel & Mining Review, which provides an overview of some recent important events, like winning the Best of Industry Award. Take a closer look on page 44!