New co-worker at VBN Components

Since September 1st there is a new co-worker at our company within customer relations. We welcome Isabelle Bodén, who will be handling administration as well as customer and press contacts. Isabelle has previously worked internationally with company matchmaking, speaks several languages and has an MBA in marketing.

Ny medarbetare på VBN Components
Från och med 1 september har vi en ny medarbetare på företaget inom Customer relations. Vi välkomnar Isabelle Bodén, som kommer ha en bred roll inom administration, samt kund- och presskontakter. Isabelle har tidigare arbetat internationellt med matchmaking av företag, talar flera språk, samt har en MBA inom marknadsföring.

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VBN joins CAM2 – Centre for Additive Manufacture

The Vinnova funded Centre for Additive Manufacture Metal (CAM2), developes powder and new improved materials in synergy with pre-manufacturing preparation, methods for increased productivity and robust post-processing. The centre coordinates

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