We are excited to exhibit at our second fair this fall. Come and see us in Frankfurt, Germany to discuss the improved wear resistance and geometrical possibilities that we can add to your components.

We are excited to exhibit at our second fair this fall. Come and see us in Frankfurt, Germany to discuss the improved wear resistance and geometrical possibilities that we can add to your components.
The Swedish industry magazine Verkstäderna published an interview with VBN’s co-founder and CTO Ulrik Beste in its December issue. The article is in Swedish, but we can translate the quote
The Vinnova funded Centre for Additive Manufacture Metal (CAM2), developes powder and new improved materials in synergy with pre-manufacturing preparation, methods for increased productivity and robust post-processing. The centre coordinates
Additive Manufacturing for the Life Sciences (AM4Life) Competence Centre is funded by VINNOVA (Sweden’s Innovation Agency) and gathers more than 20 partners in academia, industry and the public sector to
Contact us
VBN Components AB
Verkstadsgatan 8
SE-753 23 Uppsala
VAT: SE 556791573001
Reg. nr: 556791-5730