Global Engineering Group signs license agreement with VBN Components


A global Engineering Group, head-quartered in Europe, has signed a license agreement with Swedish VBN Components. The agreement implies an exclusive license within a specific niche of high-strength components, which is kept confidential for the time being. Today this customer acquires products, as well as R&D, from VBN in order to adjust this new type of manufacturing to its components. Larger series will later on be produced at customer premises world-wide. VBN will support the customer to set up and install manufacturing cells with VBN’s patented material manufacturing technique AM-HSS™.

-This is an incredibly important verification that our 3D-printed materials Vibenite® are at top level. After considerable technical testing and analysis, the agreement has been signed and we are very much looking forward to collaborating with this global partner, says Martin Nilsson, CEO of VBN Components.

The agreement is a milestone in VBN’s success story. It is a multi-million deal that will grow steadily with expanding business and deliveries. The Engineering Group is one of the actors that started collaborating with VBN at an early stage.

-The license agreement is showing that our initial idea of making better materials with 3D-printing, than what’s possible traditionally, is really working. The customer gets a better material, much larger product flexibility, shorter lead times and considerably lowered machining costs, continues Martin.

10years of materials development with logo
10 years of materials development has led to a multi-million license agreement.

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